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Conflict of interest

Please note: This is an ethics-based training course. Those looking to re-book ethics-based courses they've done before, should email to do so.

If uttered, then these words are likely to cause worry, nervousness - or even fear - in the heart of many internal auditors.

This interactive, scenario-based course covers this vital subject.

We hope that it will help you keep and maintain high ethical standards in your day-to-day internal audit work by helping you recognise and avoid actual - or potential - conflicts of interest.

Who should do the course?

  • New members who want to understand what constitutes a conflict of interest.
  • More experienced members who need a refresher on the subject.
  • Non-members who want to understand the standards and principles that internal auditors work to.

What will I learn?

After completing this course, you will be able to:  

  • explain what constitutes an actual or potential conflict of interest;
  • describe the implications of actual or potential conflicts of interest on internal audit activities;
  • apply IPPF guidance to manage actual and potential conflicts of interest, and
  • identify potential conflict of interests in a range of situations and suggest ways of dealing with them.

What will I do?

The course comprises two lessons and a final quiz. The second lesson is interactive. It takes you through several scenarios. For each, you must assess and select the appropriate course of action. You will be recorded as having finished the course when you have completed these components, including achieving a minimum grade of 80% on the final quiz. You can download your certificate of completion and a course summary when you have successfully completed the course.

You have 90 days to complete the course; however, it shouldn’t take you more than two hours to complete.

Technical requirements

The course is online so you will need access to an internet-enabled device. The course works best on a laptop or PC with a mouse – some quiz questions are tricky to do on a tablet or touchpad. The course consists of written material.

CPE competency areas covered

  • Technical expertise: IPPF, and
  • Professional ethics.

1 CPE point

Contact Us

Please note: access to our online training courses is for 90 days from the date of purchase. After successfully completing your course, you’ll be able to download the course summary to keep and refer to in the future. You will also receive a CPE certificate.

All online training courses are subject to our Fair Collection Notice and Privacy Policy

Got a question about a training course or event? 020 7498 0101