Internal Audit Conference | Programme

Day one - Wednesday 30 September 2020

08:00 – 09:00      Registration & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
09:00 – 09:15     

Welcome & introductions

09:15 – 10:00

Keynote session 

10:00 – 10:40 Keynote session 
The future of audit regulation in the UK
Sir Jon Thompson - CEO, Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
10:40 – 11:10 Morning break & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
11:10 – 11:55

Breakout sessions

Stream A

Digital and cyber
Cyber security – managing the current and emerging risks
Ian Mann - Founder & CEO, ECSC Group plc

Stream B

Professional practices, standards and practical guidelines
High performing small audit teams adopting agile and digital techniques
Martin Christy - Acting Group Head of Internal Audit, Tullow Oil

Stream C

Governance, risk and compliance 
Future proofing governance risk and compliance
Nichol Deaddis - Manager, Solution Team, EMEA Galvanize

Stream D

Internal audit futures - NEW
How has the role of internal audit evolved during the pandemic – what are the lessons for the future?
Carolyn Clarke - Chair, Care UK

Stream E

Fraud - financial crime, bribery and corruption
Fraud, scams and cybercrime – the law enforcement response
Andy Fyfe - Detective Chief Inspector at Economic Crime Department, City of London Police
12:00 – 12:45

Breakout sessions

Stream A Digital and cyber
The impact of IOT (Internet of Things) on an organisation’s cyber resilience
Speaker tbc
Stream B Professional practices, standards and practical guidelines
The audit of strategy and strategic risk – is this now an internal audit imperative?
Matej Drašček - Chief Audit Executive, LON d.d.
Stream C Governance, risk and compliance 
Auditing the reliability and integrity of management and board information
Shalinder Taneja - Senior Vice President – Internal Audit, Olam International Ltd
Stream D Internal audit futures - NEW
Making remote operations work for you
Shuana Moran - Founder and Managing Director, Operate Remote
Stream E Fraud - financial crime, bribery and corruption
Implementing lessons learned from a major cyber-attack (case study)
Andy Powell - CISO, A.P. Moller - Maersk

12:45 – 13:45

Lunch & activities 
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge

13:45 – 14:25

Keynote panel session
Impact of disruption
Panel tbc

14:30 – 15:15

Breakout sessions

Stream A

Digital and cyber
Immunising your organisation against intruders using Artificial Intelligence
Speaker tbc

Stream B

Professional practices, standards and practical guidelines
How to develop a value-adding, data-driven audit universe
Aimee Smith - Audit Manager, Principality Building Society

Stream C

Environment and climate change - NEW 
Climate change and the impact on business post Covid-19
Robert Muir-Wood - Chief Research Officer at Risk Management Solutions

Stream D

Economy and society - NEW
The global economy – where do we go from here?
Tera Allas CBE - Director of Research and Economics, Mckinsey

Stream E

Public sector spotlight - NEW 
Whistleblowing challenges in the public sector
Elizabeth Gardiner - CEO, Protect

15:15 – 15:45

Afternoon break & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
15:45 – 16:20 Keynote session 
Mapping the genome – programming our lives in the future
Andrew Hessel - President of Humane Geonomics, Chairman of The Genome Project - Write
16:20 – 16:30 Chair's closing remarks

16:30 – 17:00 Post conference activities (optional)
Exhibition Area | Rooftop Lounge & Disco

Day two - Thursday 1 October 2020

08:00 – 09:00      Registration & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
09:00 – 09:15     

Welcome & introduction

09:15 – 10:00 Keynote session
Our people are our greatest asset
Stevie Spring CBE - Chairman, Mind, the mental health charity
10:05 – 10:45

Breakout sessions

Stream F Financial services hot topics
The growth of Fintech - is this the future for the sector?
Speaker tbc
Stream G Business leadership excellence - NEW
Leadership and effective decision making during a crisis
Speaker tbc
Stream H Audit technology essentials - NEW
Internal audit technology – supporting the professions’ goals – where do we go from here?
Colleen Knuff - Senior Product Management Director, TeamMate
Stream I Personal health and wellbeing - NEW
Maintaining the best you
Speaker tbc
Stream J Public sector spotlight - NEW
Audit in a time of COVID
Elizabeth Honer - CEO, Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA)
10:45 – 11:15 Morning break & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
11:15 – 11:55

Breakout sessions

Stream F Financial services hot topics
The critical importance of responsible lending during challenging economic times
Stream G Business leadership excellence - NEW 
Generating enthusiasm through cultural transformation and organisational impact
Preeti Sadarangani - Head of Group Internal Audit, Vodafone
Stream H Audit technology essentials - NEW
Jump-starting your data analytics programme
Speaker tbc
Stream I Personal health and wellbeing - NEW
Are you an emotionally intelligent internal auditor?
Louise Fleming - Partner, Aretai LLP
Stream J Public sector spotlight - NEW
Scrutiny of government finances and the stability of public services
Speaker tbc

12:00 – 12:45  

Keynote session 
Ethics, diversity and inclusion - creating a better business
Speaker tbc

12:45 – 13:45

Lunch & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub 
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge
13:45 – 14:25
Breakout sessions

Stream F

Financial services hot topics
Proritising operational resilience to ensure your business remains safe, viable and financially stable
Janet Barberis, Managing Director and Jason Reading, Associate Director - Accenture
Stream G
Ethics, behaviour and culture
Managing procurement and supply chains – getting the ethical issues right
Speaker tbc
Stream H
Regulatory and accounting - NEW
The impact of new technologies on data protection
Anulka Clarke - Head of Assurance, Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
Stream I 

Fraud – financial crime, bribery and corruption
Data breaches – the risks posed by employees and insiders
Stream J

Internal audit soft skills - NEW
Becoming the Unknowing Auditor
Zoe Williams - Founder, Zoe Williams Coaching
14:35 – 15:15 Breakout sessions
Stream F Financial services hot topics
Virtual auditing – a pioneering new technology solution
Aman Khosa - Head of GIA Innovation, UBS and Gary Toner, Managing Director GIA, UBS
Stream G Ethics, behaviour and culture
Auditing ethics and culture - a practical case study
Speaker tbc
Stream H Regulatory and accounting - NEW 
Regulatory reporting - how internal audit can add value
Speaker tbc
Stream I  Fraud – financial crime, bribery and corruption
Tackling corruption in the UK – the government’s response and successes to date
Stream J  Internal audit soft skills - NEW
Active listening – how to be a more effective auditor
15:15 – 15:45 Afternoon break & activities
Networking Lobby | Exhibition Area | Team building & Activity room | EQA Hub
CIA Drop-In Surgery | VIP Lounge 
15:45 – 16:20  Keynote session
Enhancing effective relationships during challenging times
Ollie Phillips - Former England 7’s Captain, World 7’s Player of the Year, 4 x WRH
16:20 – 16:30  Chair's closing remarks

16:30 – 17:00  Post conference activities (optional) 
Exhibition Area | Afterparty